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Café Don Luis

Café Don Luis Bourbon Ground Coffee

Café Don Luis Bourbon Ground Coffee

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Since 1992, Don Luis counts with a two hectare plantation of bourbon variety. Its pruning in 2017 is the reason why this was the only farm that survived María, a category 5 hurricane that caused havoc across the island on September 20th of the same year. Its isolated location has contributed to it being a healthy plantation, free of many plagues that commonly affect coffee trees.

This coffee is processed on an ecological farm the same day it is harvested. The sun drying and three-step classification process (size, density, and color) help Don Luis obtain a uniform product. Its medium roast highlights its best aromatic and flavor attributes.

Luis Roig, creator of Café Don Luis says, “Bourbon coffee is definitely a gem for those who cultivate and care for its production.” Its debut white package seeks to transmit peace, purity and cleanliness.

Production  Duey, Yauco, Puerto Rico
Species Arábica
Variety Bourbon
Coffee tree age 29 years
Process Sun Dried
Classification Size, density, and color
Plantation Altitude  1,800-2,000 feet
Roast Medium
Cup characteristics Caramel, citric, vanilla, and floral flavours, medium-low acidity.
“Our greatest desire is to help you live the best of experiences with each cup of coffee.”

More about Bourbon coffee variety
Coffee was introduced in Puerto Rico in 1736, from Martinique, via the Dominican Republic. The tipica and bourbon varieties were the first introduced and are culturally and genetically some of the most important of arabica coffee.
Bourbon coffee’s unique characteristics contribute to its arduous farming processes. Today, few farms cultivate this distinguished variety. High in the mountainous region of Yauco, Café Don Luis is satisfied to count with hectares of Bourbon coffee, a coveted coffee “gem”.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Christian Rivera
Don Luis Coffee

I taste all of them and all have something special at the flavor smell and taste. Definetely.a Gourmet Coffeee

Agustin Ferrer

I, did, NOT like the taste …

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