100% ripe arabica coffee from Puerto Rico. Hand picked and dried in its natural form without peeling it such that it absorbs its natural flavors. Honey and fruit flavorsarise in its flavor and essence.
Café 100% Arábigo maduro puertorriqueño. Se colecta y es secado en su forma natural con su cáscara madura para que absorba el mucílago del café (la miel). En su sabor y aroma resalta la miel y la fruta.
This coffee is truly extraordinary: Dark, Rich and Flavorful. I ordered one bag and the same week of trying it, I ordered six more! Do yourself a favor and try this artisanal coffee. 🇵🇷 🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷❣️
Smooth, not bitter, balanced. Of more than 12 coffee brands from different Haciendas, this is my favorite. Bought 3 bags at their Cafe in Yauco last time I visited PR. Now I get buy through the coffee hub.