Peaberry is the name of a physical trait of the coffee bean. Peaberry beans often grow on the ends of the coffee tree branches and are characterized by their round shape, as opposed to the flat face of the regular bean. An estimated 5% of all coffee beans are peaberry type. Cherries containing peaberry types yield only one bean, versus a two bean yield in the regular type. Peaberry coffee beans are also slightly smaller than the regular ones and possibly denser than the latter. The rarity of this bean type, its distinct quality and round shape (this favors a more even roasting) makes peaberry coffee a special and uncommon coffee experience. Those that enjoy peaberry roasts speak of its sweetness, bright acid notes and complex tastes in cup.
At Café Don Luis, this unique bean trait comes together with their notable zeal and care for the entire coffee production process to bring you an exceptional experience of a first grade artisan coffee.
Yauco, Puerto Rico
Fincas Luis Roig Inc.
Limaní, Frontón, Obata, Caturra and Borbón
Washing – Sun Dried
Plantation Altitude
2,500 feet
Cup characteristics
Good sweetness, robust body, light or no acidity, notes of chocolate and molasses.
This coffee is truly extraordinary: Dark, Rich and Flavorful. I ordered one bag and the same week of trying it, I ordered six more! Do yourself a favor and try this artisanal coffee. 🇵🇷 🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷❣️
Smooth, not bitter, balanced. Of more than 12 coffee brands from different Haciendas, this is my favorite. Bought 3 bags at their Cafe in Yauco last time I visited PR. Now I get buy through the coffee hub.